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Journal Article

Reducing Identity Distress: Results of an identity intervention for Emerging Adults


Emerging adulthood is a transitional period between adolescence and adulthood where positive and negative life trajectories tend to diverge, with issues surrounding identity formation playing a key role. The present study evaluated the Miami Adult Development Project, a self-facilitated identity-focused intervention. The sample consisted of 141 emerging adults (19−29 years old; M = 23.08) who completed pretest and posttest assessments. Results indicated participation in the intervention relative to the comparison group was associated with lower levels of identity distress and higher levels of well-being via the reduction of identity distress and the development of a consolidated identity (commitment and synthesis). The present study provides evidence for the effectiveness of positive identity interventions during emerging adulthood.

Alan Meca
Kyle Eichas
Shannon Quintana
Brent M. Maximin
Rachel A. Ritchie
Vanessa L. Madrazo
Gabriella M. Harari
William M. Kurtines
Journal Name
Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research
Publication Date
November 4, 2014